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The First Day of Kindergarten is exciting and emotional for you and your kid.
It marks the beginning of your child’s journey into the world of formal education,
and it almost certainly will feel like the beginning of a unique chapter in their formative years.
In most cases, children are given a general concept of what to anticipate for the remaining of the school year and beyond on their very first day of preschool.
Even if they don’t recall the specifics of their first day of preschool, it’s still likely to be a day that had a significant impact on them.
To all of our students, we wish you a Happy First Day of Preschool as well as a Happy Back to Preschool Day.
We hope that the first day of school brings you a lot of excitement and enjoyment.
We wish you the best of luck in gaining new knowledge that will be with you for the rest of your life.
As you get ready for the first year of preschool, we hope that you have a lot of luck and meet a lot of fascinating classmates who become your friends.